Source: index.js

'use strict';

 * The built in Error object.
 * @class Error
 * @external
 * @see {@link Error on Mozilla Developer Network}

 * The built in ArrayBuffer object.
 * <p>Arraybuffers are the way to represent items serialized in binary format.</p>
 * @class ArrayBuffer
 * @external
 * @see {@link ArrayBuffer on Mozilla Developer Network}

 * Serializer and deserializer interfaces.
 * @class Serial
 * Serializes objects to arrays of bytes.
 * <p>Any instance of <code>T</code> must be accepted and have a non <code>null</code> return value:
 * for any <code>o</code>, <code>o instanceof T</code> implies <code>serialize(o) != null</code>.</p>
 * <p>The output must be consistent, an identical output should be returned if called twice on the equal
 * objects.</p>
 * @name Serial~Serialize
 * @function
 * @param {T} item - the item to serialize.
 * @return {external:ArrayBuffer} the serialized item.
 * Deserializes an array of bytes back to an object.
 * <p>Any array of bytes should lead to either a non <code>null</code> value or throw.</p>
 * <p>The output must be consistent, an identical output should be returned if called twice
 * on the identical arrays.</p>
 * @name Serial~Deserialize
 * @function
 * @param {external:ArrayBuffer} content - the array of bytes representing an object.
 * @return {T} the object deserialized from the array of bytes.
 * @throws {external:Error} in case the buffer cannot be read.

 * Represents summarized data.
 * <p>A summary is an immutable data structure, new instances are returned by method but do not modify inner state</p>
 * @class Summary
 * Adds an item to the summary.
 * <p>When both summaries can be {@link external:Summary#toDifference|viewed as a difference}:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>if the item is in the removed set of that summary, it is in none of the resulting summary difference sets</li>
 *   <li>if the item is in none of the difference sets of that summary, it is in the added set of the resulting difference</li>
 *   <li>if the item is in the added set of that summary, the resulting summary may be impossible to decipher</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * @param {external:ArrayBuffer} item - the serialized item.
 * @returns {Summary} a new summary instance including this item.
 * @function Summary#plus
 * Adds several items to the summary.
 * <p>Equivalent to repeatedly calling {@link Summary#plus} for each element reported in the updater, but this method
 * can do optimizations for batch updates.</p>
 * <p>The promise returned by this method resolves once the updater reports finishing its work, or rejects if the
 * updater reports an issue.</p>
 * @param {Summary~SummaryBatchUpdater} updater - an updater which will report items to add.
 * @returns {external:Promise.<Summary>} a promise which will resolve to a summary.
 * @function Summary#plusMany
 * Removes an item from the summary.
 * <p>When both summaries can be {@link Summary#toDifference|viewed as a difference}:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>if the item is in the added set of that summary, it is in none of the resulting summary difference sets</li>
 *   <li>if the item is in none of the difference sets of that summary, it is in the removed set of the resulting difference</li>
 *   <li>if the item is in the removed set of that summary, the resulting summary may be impossible to decipher</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * @param {external:ArrayBuffer} item - the serialized item.
 * @returns {Summary} a new summary instance excluding this item.
 * @function Summary#minus
 * Removes several items to the summary.
 * <p>Equivalent to repeatedly calling {@link Summary#minus} for each element reported in the updater, but this method
 * can do optimizations for batch updates.</p>
 * <p>The promise returned by this method resolves once the updater reports finishing its work, or rejects if the
 * updater reports an issue.</p>
 * @param {Summary~SummaryBatchUpdater} updater - an updater which will report items to remove.
 * @returns {external:Promise.<Summary>} a promise which will resolve to a summary.
 * @function Summary#minusMany
 * Retrieves a view of the summary as a difference.
 * @returns {Difference.<external:ArrayBuffer>} a difference view of the summary or <code>null</code> if it cannot be resolved with the information it contains.
 * @function Summary#toDifference
 * Retrieves a JSON view of the summary.
 * @returns {Object} a JSON view of the summary.
 * @function Summary#toJSON
 * Adds/removes multiple items to a summary.
 * <p>This function is provided to the summary and called by it with appropriate parameters. The function is then
 * responsible for calling <code>item</code> function repeatedly with a single argument being the
 * {@link external:ArrayBuffer buffer} representing the item to add or remove. Once all items have been, the
 * <code>done</code> method has to be called to notify the summary batch update is finished. If any issue occurs, call
 * <code>fail</code> function with an {@link external:Error error} object.<p>
 * @example <caption>Synchronously add items to the summary</caption>
 * var promise = summary.plusMany(function(item, done) {
 *   item(new Int8Array([1, 2, 3]).buffer);
 *   item(new Int8Array([4, 5, 6]).buffer);
 *   done();
 * });
 * @example <caption>Asynchronously add items to the summary, with possible failure</caption>
 * var promise = summary.plusMany(function(item, done, fail) {
 *   readLines('file.csv', function (err, lines) {
 *     if (err) {
 *       return fail(err);
 *     }
 *     lines.forEach(function (line) {
 *       var buffer = ...
 *       item(line);
 *     });
 *     done();
 *   });
 * });
 * @name Summary~SummaryBatchUpdater
 * @function
 * @param {function} item - a function to call on each item to add/remove from the summary.
 * @param {function} done - a function to call once all items have been added/removed from the summary.
 * @param {function} fail - a function to call if any issue occurs.

 * Represents the difference between two states.
 * @class Difference
 * Represents the set of items added on the remote side compared to the local state.
 * @returns {Array.<T>} the array of items added on the remote side compared to the local state.
 * @function Difference#added
 * Represents the set of items removed on the remote side compared to the local state.
 * @returns {Array.<T>} the array of items removed on the remote side compared to the local state.
 * @function Difference#removed

 * Summarizer interface.
 * @class Summarizer
 * Produces a summary at a given level of detail.
 * <p>The larger detail level is, the bigger summary will consume on the wire, but the more
 * information it conveys.</p>
 * @name Summarizer~Summarizer
 * @function
 * @param {number} level - the level of detail.
 * @return {external:Promise.<external:Summary>} a promise resolving to a summary of the
 *                                         current state at the requested level of detail.

 * Resolver interface.
 * @class Resolver
 * Provides differences between a local and remove view.
 * @name Resolver~Resolver
 * @function
 * @return {external:Promise.<external:Difference.<T>>} a promise resolving to a view of the difference.

 * Entry point aggregating all features.
 * <p>Using this module forces dependencies to all submodules, this should not be an issue for Node targets but it may
 * be interesting to depend only on actually used modules for browser targets
 * (like with {@link Browserify}) because they are just aliased here.</p>
 * @module mathsync
module.exports = {

   * Aliases {@link module:mathsync/generator generator} summarizer/resolver module.
   * @name module:mathsync.generator
  generator : require('./generator'),

   * Aliases {@link module:mathsync/stream stream} summarizer/resolver module.
   * @name
  stream : require('./stream'),

   * Aliases {@link module:mathsync/array array} summarizer/resolver module.
   * @name module:mathsync.array
  array : require('./array'),

   * Aliases {@link module:mathsync/json json summarizer} module.
   * @name module:mathsync.json
  json : require('./json'),

   * Aliases {@link module:mathsync/string string serialization} module.
   * @name module:mathsync.string
  string: require('./string'),

   * Promise implementation polyfill.
   * <p>Either returns the global {@link external:Promise Promise} object or uses the
   * <a href="">polyfill</a>.</p>
   * @name module:mathsync.Promise
  Promise: require('./lib/promise')